Ingresos por anuncios

The app sends impression revenue data to the AppsFlyer SDK. The SDK then sends it to AppsFlyer. These impression data is collected and processed in AppsFlyer, and the revenue is attributed to the original UA source. To learn more about ad revenue see here.

There are two ways for the SDK to generate an ad revenue event, depending on your SDK version. Use the correct method for your SDK version:

Log ad revenue (for SDK 6.15.0 and above)

When an impression with revenue occurs invoke the logAdRevenue method with the revenue details of the impression.



If you are using the AdRevenue connector, please remove it before switching to the new logAdRevenue method. Failing to do so may cause unexpected behavior.

To implement the method:

  1. Create an instance of AFAdRevenueData with the revenue details of the impression to be logged.
  2. If you want to add additional details to the ad revenue event, populate a dictionary with key-value pairs.
  3. Invoke the  logAdRevenue method with the following arguments:
    • The AFAdRevenueData object you created in step 1.
    • The dictionary with the additional details you created in step 2.

Code Example

import AppsFlyerLib

let my_adRevenueData = AFAdRevenueData(monetizationNetwork: "ironsource",
                        mediationNetwork: MediationNetworkType.googleAdMob,
                        currencyIso4217Code: "USD",
                        eventRevenue: 123.45)
var my_additionalParameters: [String: Any] = [:]
my_additionalParameters[kAppsFlyerAdRevenueCountry] = "US"
my_additionalParameters[kAppsFlyerAdRevenueAdType] = "Banner"
my_additionalParameters[kAppsFlyerAdRevenueAdUnit] = "89b8c0159a50ebd1"
my_additionalParameters[kAppsFlyerAdRevenuePlacement] = "place"

AppsFlyerLib.shared().logAdRevenue(my_adRevenueData, additionalParameters: my_additionalParameters)

[LEGACY] Log ad revenue (for SDK 6.14.6 and below)

Para integrar el conector del SDK de ingresos por publicidad de iOS, debes importar, inicializar y activar el SDK.

Import the iOS ad revenue SDK

  1. En tu Podfile, especifica lo siguiente:
pod 'AppsFlyer-AdRevenue'

Importante: Si tienes el pod AppsFlyerFramework en tu Podfile, elimínalo para evitar una colisión.

  1. Ejecuta la actualización del pod.

Initialize the iOS ad revenue SDK

  • In AppDelegate, en el método didFinishLaunchingWithOptions , llama al método AdRevenue start utilizando el siguiente código:
import AppsFlyerLib
import AppsFlyerAdRevenue

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {

    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {

     @objc func applicationDidBecomeActive() {


Trigger the logAdRevenue API call

  • Activa la llamada a la API logAdRevenue luego de cada impresión válida, incluidos los argumentos obligatorios y opcionales.
let adRevenueParams:[AnyHashable: Any] = [
                    kAppsFlyerAdRevenueCountry : "US",
                    kAppsFlyerAdRevenueAdUnit : "02134568",
                    kAppsFlyerAdRevenueAdType : "Banner",
                    kAppsFlyerAdRevenuePlacement : "place",
                    "foo" : "testcustom",
                    "bar" : "testcustom2"
    monetizationNetwork: "facebook",
    mediationNetwork: MediationNetworkType.googleAdMob,
    eventRevenue: 0.026,
    revenueCurrency: "USD",
    additionalParameters: adRevenueParams)