Eventos in-app
Resumen General
Para ver una introducción a los eventos in-app para desarrolladores, consulta Eventos in-app.
Antes de comenzar
Debes integrar el SDK.
Integrate In-App Events with our SDK wizard
Registro de eventos in-app
El SDK te permite registrar las acciones de los usuarios que ocurren en el contexto de tu aplicación. Estos se conocen comúnmente como eventos in-app.
The logEvent
methodThe logEvent
method lets you log in-app events and send them to AppsFlyer for processing.
To access the logEvent
method, import AppsFlyerLib
import com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerLib;
import com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerLib
To access predefined event constants, import AFInAppEventType
and AFInAppEventParameterName
import com.appsflyer.AFInAppEventType; // Predefined event names
import com.appsflyer.AFInAppEventParameterName; // Predefined parameter names
import com.appsflyer.AFInAppEventType // Predefined event names
import com.appsflyer.AFInAppEventParameterName // Predefined parameter names
toma 4 argumentos:
void logEvent(Context context,
java.lang.String eventName,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> eventValues,
AppsFlyerRequestListener listener)
- The first argument (
) is the Application/Activity Context - The second argument (
) is the In-app event name - The third argument (
) is the event parametersMap
- The fourth argument (
) is an optionalAppsFlyerRequestListener
(useful for Handling event submission success/failure)
Example: Send "add to wishlist" event
Por ejemplo, para registrar que un usuario agregó un artículo a su lista de deseos:
Map<String, Object> eventValues = new HashMap<String, Object>();
eventValues.put(AFInAppEventParameterName.PRICE, 1234.56);
AFInAppEventType.ADD_TO_WISHLIST , eventValues);
val eventValues = HashMap<String, Any>()
eventValues.put(AFInAppEventParameterName.PRICE, 1234.56)
AppsFlyerLib.getInstance().logEvent(getApplicationContext() ,
AFInAppEventType.ADD_TO_WISHLIST , eventValues)
In the above logEvent
- El nombre del evento es
- The event value is a
containing these event parameters:- AFInAppEventParameterName.PRICE: el precio asociado con el evento
- AFInAppEventParameterName.CONTENT_ID: el identificador del elemento agregado
Implementing event structure definitions
Según la definición de ejemplo proporcionada en Comprender las definiciones de la estructura de eventos, el evento debe implementarse de la siguiente manera:
Map<String, Object> eventValues = new HashMap<String, Object>();
eventValues.put(AFInAppEventParameterName.PRICE, <ITEM_PRICE>);
eventValues.put(AFInAppEventParameterName.CONTENT_TYPE, <ITEM_TYPE>);
eventValues.put(AFInAppEventParameterName.CONTENT_ID, <ITEM_SKU>);
AFInAppEventType.CONTENT_VIEW, eventValues);
val eventValues = HashMap<String, Any>()
eventValues.put(AFInAppEventParameterName.PRICE, <ITEM_PRICE>)
eventValues.put(AFInAppEventParameterName.CONTENT_TYPE, <ITEM_TYPE>)
eventValues.put(AFInAppEventParameterName.CONTENT_ID, <ITEM_SKU>)
AFInAppEventType.CONTENT_VIEW, eventValues)
Handling event submission success and failure
You can provide logEvent
with a AppsFlyerRequestListener
object when recording in-app events. The handler allows you to define logic for two scenarios:
- Un evento in-app se registra correctamente.
- Se produjo un error al registrar el evento in-app
new AppsFlyerRequestListener() {
public void onSuccess() {
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Event sent successfully");
public void onError(int i, @NonNull String s) {
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Event failed to be sent:\n" +
"Error code: " + i + "\n"
+ "Error description: " + s);
object : AppsFlyerRequestListener {
override fun onSuccess() {
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Event sent successfully")
override fun onError(errorCode: Int, errorDesc: String) {
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Event failed to be sent:\n" +
"Error code: " + errorCode + "\n"
+ "Error description: " + errorDesc)
En caso de que se produzca un error durante la grabación del evento in-app, se proporciona un código de error y una descripción de la cadena, como se indica en la tabla que figura a continuación.
Código del error | Descripción (NSError) |
10 | "Event timeout. Check 'minTimeBetweenSessions' param" ("Tiempo de espera del evento agotado. Comprueba el parámetro 'minTimeBetweenSessions'") |
11 | "Skipping event because 'isStopTracking' enabled" ("Se omite el evento porque 'isStopTracking' está activado") |
40 | Network error: Error description comes from Android (Error de red: la descripción del error viene de Android) |
41 | "No dev key" ("No hay clave de desarrollador") |
50 | "Status code failure" + actual response code from the server ("Fallo del código de estado" + código de respuesta real del servidor) |
Recording offline events
El SDK puede registrar los eventos que ocurren cuando no hay conexión a Internet disponible. Consulta Eventos in-app sin conexión para obtener más detalles.
Logging events before calling start
If you initialized the SDK but didn't call start
, the SDK will cache in-app events until start
is invoked.
Si hay varios eventos en el caché, se envían al servidor uno tras otro (sin lotes, una solicitud de red por evento).
Registro de ingresos
For events with revenue, including in-app purchases, subscriptions, and ad revenue events, AppsFlyer customers with an ROI360 subscription should avoid using the
) parameter in their in-app events. Doing so can result in duplicate revenue being reported. Instead, they should utilize the purchase connector and the ad revenue SDK API.
You can send revenue with any in-app event. Use the AFInAppEventParameterName.REVENUE
event parameter to include revenue in the in-app event. You can populate it with any numeric value, positive or negative.
El valor de los ingresos no debe contener comas separadoras, signos de divisas ni texto. Por ejemplo, un evento generador de ingresos debería ser similar a 1234.56.
Example: Purchase event with revenue
Map<String, Object> eventValues = new HashMap<String, Object>();
eventValues.put(AFInAppEventParameterName.CONTENT_ID, <ITEM_SKU>);
eventValues.put(AFInAppEventParameterName.CONTENT_TYPE, <ITEM_TYPE>);
eventValues.put(AFInAppEventParameterName.REVENUE, 200);
AFInAppEventType.PURCHASE, eventValues);
val eventValues = HashMap<String, Any>()
eventValues.put(AFInAppEventParameterName.CONTENT_ID, <ITEM_SKU>)
eventValues.put(AFInAppEventParameterName.CONTENT_TYPE, <ITEM_TYPE>)
eventValues.put(AFInAppEventParameterName.REVENUE, 200)
AFInAppEventType.PURCHASE, eventValues)
El evento de compra anterior contiene un ingreso de $200 que aparece como ingreso en el panel de control.
No agregues símbolos de divisa al valor de los ingresos.
Configuring revenue currency
You can set the currency code for an event's revenue by using the af_currency
predefined event parameter:
Map<String, Object> eventValues = new HashMap<String, Object>();
eventValues.put(AFInAppEventParameterName.CURRENCY, "USD");
eventValues.put(AFInAppEventParameterName.REVENUE, <TRANSACTION_REVENUE>);
AFInAppEventType.PURCHASE, eventValues);
val eventValues = HashMap<String, Any>()
eventValues.put(AFInAppEventParameterName.REVENUE, <TRANSACTION_REVENUE>)
AppsFlyerLib.getInstance().logEvent(getApplicationContext() , AFInAppEventType.PURCHASE , eventValues)
- El código de divisa debe ser un código ISO 4217 de 3 caracteres.
- La divisa predeterminada es USD
Para obtener información sobre la configuración, visualización y conversión de divisas, consulta nuestra guía sobre las divisas de los ingresos.
Logging negative revenue
Puede haber situaciones en las que quieras registrar ingresos negativos. Ejemplo: un usuario recibe un reembolso o cancela una suscripción.
Para registrar ingresos negativos:
Map<String, Object> eventValues = new HashMap<String, Object>();
eventValues.put(AFInAppEventParameterName.REVENUE, -1234.56);
val eventValues = HashMap<String, Any>()
eventValues.put(AFInAppEventParameterName.REVENUE, -1234.56)
Observe lo siguiente en el código anterior:
- El valor de ingresos está precedido por un signo de menos
- El nombre del evento es un nombre de evento personalizado llamado "cancel_purchase": te ayuda a identificar fácilmente los eventos generadores de ingresos negativos en el panel de control y en los reportes de raw data.
Validación de compras
AppsFlyer provides server verification for in-app purchases. For more information see Validate and log purchase
Constantes de eventos
Predefined event names
Para usar las siguientes constantes, importa com.appsflyer.AFInAppEventType:
import com.appsflyer.AFInAppEventType;
import com.appsflyer.AFInAppEventType
Predefined event name constants follow a AFInAppEventType.EVENT_NAME
naming convention. For example, AFInAppEventType.ADD_TO_CART
Nombre del evento | Nombre de constante de Android | |
"af_level_achieved" | AFInAppEventType.LEVEL_ACHIEVED | |
"af_add_payment_info" | AFInAppEventType.ADD_PAYMENT_INFO | |
"af_add_to_cart" | AFInAppEventType.ADD_TO_CART | |
"af_add_to_wishlist" | AFInAppEventType.ADD_TO_WISHLIST | |
"af_complete_registration" | AFInAppEventType.COMPLETE_REGISTRATION | |
"af_tutorial_completion" | AFInAppEventType.TUTORIAL_COMPLETION | |
"af_initiated_checkout" | AFInAppEventType.INITIATED_CHECKOUT | |
"af_purchase" | AFInAppEventType.PURCHASE | |
"af_rate" | AFInAppEventType.RATE | |
"af_search" | AFInAppEventType.SEARCH | |
"af_spent_credits" | AFInAppEventType.SPENT_CREDITS | |
"af_achievement_unlocked" | AFInAppEventType.ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED | |
"af_content_view" | AFInAppEventType.CONTENT_VIEW | |
"af_list_view" | AFInAppEventType.LIST_VIEW | |
"af_travel_booking" | AFInAppEventType.TRAVEL_BOOKING | |
"af_share" | ||
"af_invite" | AFInAppEventType.INVITE | |
"af_login" | AFInAppEventType.LOGIN | |
"af_re_engage" | AFInAppEventType.RE_ENGAGE | |
"af_update" | AFInAppEventType.UPDATE | |
"af_location_coordinates" | AFInAppEventType.LOCATION_COORDINATES | |
"af_customer_segment" | AFInAppEventType.CUSTOMER_SEGMENT | |
"af_subscribe" | AFInAppEventType.SUBSCRIBE | |
"af_start_trial" | AFInAppEventType.START_TRIAL | |
"af_ad_click" | AFInAppEventType.AD_CLICK | |
"af_ad_view" | AFInAppEventType.AD_VIEW | |
"af_opened_from_push_notification" | AFInAppEventType.OPENED_FROM_PUSH_NOTIFICATION |
Predefined event parameters
To use the following constants, import AFInAppEventParameterName
import com.appsflyer.AFInAppEventParameterName;
import com.appsflyer.AFInAppEventParameterName
Predefined event parameter constants follow a AFInAppEventParameterName.PARAMETER_NAME
naming convention. For example, AFInAppEventParameterName.CURRENCY
Nombre del parámetro del evento | Nombre de constante de Android | Tipo |
"af_content" | CONTENT | String[] |
"af_achievement_id" | ACHIEVEMENT_ID | String |
"af_level" | LEVEL | String |
"af_score" | SCORE | String |
"af_success" | SUCCESS | String |
"af_price" | PRICE | float |
"af_content_type" | CONTENT_TYPE | String |
"af_content_id" | CONTENT_ID | String |
"af_content_list" | CONTENT_LIST | String[] |
"af_currency" | CURRENCY | String |
"af_quantity" | QUANTITY | int |
"af_registration_method" | REGISTRATION_METHOD | String |
"af_payment_info_available" | PAYMENT_INFO_AVAILABLE | String |
"af_max_rating_value" | MAX_RATING_VALUE | String |
"af_rating_value" | RATING_VALUE | String |
"af_search_string" | SEARCH_STRING | String |
"af_date_a" | DATE_A | String |
"af_date_b" | DATE_B | String |
"af_destination_a" | DESTINATION_A | String |
"af_destination_b" | DESTINATION_B | String |
"af_description" | DESCRIPTION | String |
"af_class" | CLASS | String |
"af_event_start" | EVENT_START | String |
"af_event_end" | EVENT_END | String |
"af_lat" | LAT | String |
"af_long" | LONG | String |
"af_customer_user_id" | CUSTOMER_USER_ID | String |
"af_validated" | VALIDATED | boolean |
"af_revenue" | REVENUE | float |
"af_projected_revenue" | PROJECTED_REVENUE | float |
"af_receipt_id" | RECEIPT_ID | String |
"af_tutorial_id" | TUTORIAL_ID | String |
"af_virtual_currency_name" | VIRTUAL_CURRENCY_NAME | String |
"af_deep_link" | DEEP_LINK | String |
"af_old_version" | OLD_VERSION | String |
"af_new_version" | NEW_VERSION | String |
"af_review_text" | REVIEW_TEXT | String |
"af_coupon_code" | COUPON_CODE | String |
"af_order_id" | ORDER_ID | String |
"af_param_1" | PARAM_1 | String |
"af_param_2" | PARAM_2 | String |
"af_param_3" | PARAM_3 | String |
"af_param_4" | PARAM_4 | String |
"af_param_5" | PARAM_5 | String |
"af_param_6" | PARAM_6 | String |
"af_param_7" | PARAM_7 | String |
"af_param_8" | PARAM_8 | String |
"af_param_9" | PARAM_9 | String |
"af_param_10" | PARAM_10 | String |
"af_departing_departure_date" | DEPARTING_DEPARTURE_DATE | String |
"af_returning_departure_date" | RETURNING_DEPARTURE_DATE | String |
"af_destination_list" | DESTINATION_LIST | String[] |
"af_city" | CITY | String |
"af_region" | REGION | String |
"af_country" | COUNTRY | String |
"af_departing_arrival_date" | DEPARTING_ARRIVAL_DATE | String |
"af_returning_arrival_date" | RETURNING_ARRIVAL_DATE | String |
"af_suggested_destinations" | SUGGESTED_DESTINATIONS | String[] |
"af_travel_start" | TRAVEL_START | String |
"af_travel_end" | TRAVEL_END | String |
"af_num_adults" | NUM_ADULTS | String |
"af_num_children" | NUM_CHILDREN | String |
"af_num_infants" | NUM_INFANTS | String |
"af_suggested_hotels" | SUGGESTED_HOTELS | String[] |
"af_user_score" | USER_SCORE | String |
"af_hotel_score" | HOTEL_SCORE | String |
"af_purchase_currency" | PURCHASE_CURRENCY | String |
"af_preferred_neighborhoods" | PREFERRED_NEIGHBORHOODS | String[] |
"af_preferred_num_stops" | PREFERRED_NUM_STOPS | String |
"af_adrev_ad_type" | AD_REVENUE_AD_TYPE | String |
"af_adrev_network_name" | AD_REVENUE_NETWORK_NAME | String |
"af_adrev_placement_id" | AD_REVENUE_PLACEMENT_ID | String |
"af_adrev_ad_size" | AD_REVENUE_AD_SIZE | String |
"af_adrev_mediated_network_name" | AD_REVENUE_MEDIATED_NETWORK_NAME | String |
"af_preferred_price_range" | PREFERRED_PRICE_RANGE | String , int tuple formateado como (min,max) |
"af_preferred_star_ratings" | PREFERRED_STAR_RATINGS | String , int tuple formateado como (min,max) |
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