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AppsFlyer Meta Quest 2 Unreal SDK integration

Integrate your Meta Quest Unreal app or game with AppsFlyer to measure the performance of campaigns marketing these apps.

Game attribution and user measurement require the game to integrate an AppsFlyer SDK that records first opens, sessions, and in-app events. For example, purchase events.

Note: The sample code that follows is currently only supported in a Windows environment.


AppsflyerQuest2Module - Interface

AppsflyerQuest2Module.h, incluido en appsflyer-meta-quest2-unreal-sample-app/Quest2_Sample/AppsflyerQuest2Module , contiene el código y la lógica necesarios para conectarse a los servidores de AppsFlyer y reportar eventos.


Este método recibe tu clave API e ID de aplicación e inicializa el módulo AppsFlyer.

Firma de método

void Init(const char* devkey, const char* appID)


AppsflyerQuest2Module()->Init(<< DEV_KEY >>, << QUEST_APP_ID >>);


  • DEV_KEY: puedes obtenerlo del marketer o en AppsFlyer HQ.
  • QUEST_APP_ID: Your Quest Store app ID (For Quest 2, it's the number in the store URL - for example:


Este método envía las solicitudes de primeros inicios/sesiones a AppsFlyer.

Firma de método

void Start(bool skipFirst = false)


  • bool skipFirst: Determines whether or not to skip first open events and send session events. The value is false by default. If true , first open events are skipped and session events are sent. See example


// without the flag

// with the flag
bool skipFirst = [SOME_CONDITION];


This method stops the SDK from functioning and communicating with AppsFlyer servers. It's used when implementing user opt-in/opt-out.

Firma de método

void Stop()


// Starting the SDK
// ...
// Stopping the SDK, preventing further communication with AppsFlyer


Este método recibe un nombre de evento y un objeto json y envía eventos in-app a AppsFlyer.

Firma de método

void LogEvent(std::string event_name, std::string event_values, std::string custom_event_values = "")


  • std::string event_name: The name of the event.
  • std::string event_parameters: String which contains the predefined event parameters.
  • std::string event_custom_parameters [Optional]: String which contains the any custom event parameters. For non-English values, please use UTF-8 encoding.


// Setting the event parameters json string and event name
std::string event_name = "af_purchase";
std::string event_parameters = "{\"af_currency\":\"USD\",\"af_revenue\":24.12}";
// Send the InApp event request
AppsflyerQuest2Module()->LogEvent(event_name, event_parameters);

// Set non-English values for testing UTF-8 support
std::wstring ws = L"車B1234 こんにちは";
std::wstring ws2 = L"新人邀约购物日";
std::string event_custom_parameters = "{\"goodsName\":\"" + AppsflyerQuest2Module()->to_utf8(ws) + "\",\"goodsName2\":\"" + AppsflyerQuest2Module()->to_utf8(ws2) + "\"}";
// Send inapp event with custom params
AppsflyerQuest2Module()->LogEvent(event_name, event_parameters, event_custom_parameters);


Get the AppsFlyer unique device ID. The SDK generates an AppsFlyer unique device ID upon app installation. When the SDK is started, this ID is recorded as the ID of the first app install.

Firma de método

std::string GetAppsFlyerUID()




This method sets a customer ID that enables you to cross-reference your unique ID with the AppsFlyer unique ID and other device IDs. Note: You can only use this method before calling Start().
The customer ID is available in raw data reports and in the postbacks sent via API.

Firma de método

void SetCustomerUserId(std::string cuid)


  • std::string cuid: Custom user id.


AppsflyerQuest2Module()->Init(DEV_KEY, APP_ID);


This method receives a reference of a std::wstring and returns UTF-8 encoded std::string

Firma de método

std::string to_utf8(std::wstring& wide_string);


// Set non-English values for testing UTF-8 support
std::wstring ws = L"車B1234 こんにちは";
std::wstring ws2 = L"新人邀约购物日";
std::string event_custom_parameters = "{\"goodsName\":\"" + AppsflyerQuest2Module()->to_utf8(ws) + "\",\"goodsName2\":\"" + AppsflyerQuest2Module()->to_utf8(ws2) + "\"}";


This method receives a date string and returns true if the game folder modification date is older than the date string. The date string format is: "2023-January-01 23:12:34".

Firma de método

bool IsInstallOlderThanDate(std::string datestring)


  • std::string datestring: Date string in yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+hh:mm format.


// the modification date in this example is "2023-July-23 08:30:00"

// will return false
bool dateBefore = AppsflyerQuest2Module()->IsInstallOlderThanDate("2023-January-01 23:12:34");

// will return true
bool dateAfter = AppsflyerQuest2Module()->IsInstallOlderThanDate("2023-September-10 23:12:34");

// example usage with skipFirst:
bool isInstallOlderThanDate = AppsflyerLauncherModule()->IsInstallOlderThanDate("2023-April-10 23:12:34");

Ejecución de la aplicación de muestra

  1. Abre el motor de UE4.
  2. Choose New Project > Games > Virtual Reality.
  3. Nombra el proyecto Quest2_Sample y haz clic en Create project (Crear proyecto).
  4. Follow the instructions to implement AppsFlyer in your game.
  5. Inicia la aplicación de muestra desde el editor del motor de UE4.
  6. Después de 24 horas, el panel de control se actualiza y muestra las instalaciones orgánicas y no orgánicas y los eventos in-app.

Implementing AppsFlyer in your Unreal game


  1. Abre el proyecto en tu editor de C++ preferido y en el archivo [YOUR-APP-NAME].Build.cs , y agrega OpenSSL a tus dependencias y HTTP as a private dependency:
    (example can be found in /Quest2_Sample/Quest2_Sample.Build)
PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore", "HeadMountedDisplay", "OpenSSL" });
  1. In your Unreal Project files, under the Source/[YOUR-APP-NAME] directory, create a new directory named AppsflyerQuest2Module.

  2. Copia los siguientes archivos desde appsflyer-meta-quest2-unreal-sample-app/AppsflyerQuest2Module a la nueva carpeta:

    • AppsflyerQuest2Module.cpp
    • AppsflyerQuest2Module.cpp
    • AppsflyerQuest2Module.h
    • DeviceID.h
    • RequestData.h
  3. Genera archivos de proyecto con el fin de agregar OpenSSL. Aprender más

  4. En el GameMode.h , agrega la StartPlay() :

class AAppsFlyerSampleGameMode : public AGameModeBase

 virtual void StartPlay() override;

  1. Create a C++ Actor Component, attach it to a object of your choice, and add the following lines:
    (Alternatively you may use the example component: Quest2_Sample/Private/AF_ActorComponent.cpp)
#include "../AppsflyerQuest2Module/AppsflyerQuest2Module.h"
  1. Agrega la siguiente función, asegurándote de reemplazar el DEV_KEY and QUEST_APP_ID in the init function with your app details, and report in-app events
void UAF_ActorComponent::BeginPlay()
	// af module init
	AppsflyerQuest2Module()->Init(<< DEV_KEY >> , << PACKAGE_NAME >> );

	// af send firstopen/session

	// set event name
	std::string event_name = "af_purchase";
	// set json string
	std::string event_parameters = "{\"af_currency\":\"USD\",\"af_revenue\":24.12}";
	// af send inapp event
	AppsflyerQuest2Module()->LogEvent(event_name, event_parameters);

	// set non-English values for testing UTF-8 support
	std::wstring ws = L"車B1234 こんにちは";
	std::wstring ws2 = L"新人邀约购物日";
	std::string event_custom_parameters = "{\"goodsName\":\"" + AppsflyerQuest2Module()->to_utf8(ws) + "\",\"goodsName2\":\"" + AppsflyerQuest2Module()->to_utf8(ws2) + "\"}";
	// af send inapp event with custom params
	AppsflyerQuest2Module()->LogEvent(event_name, event_parameters, event_custom_parameters);

	// stop the SDK

Resetting the attribtion

Delete the APK from your Oculus Device and then Re-deploy (a new AppsFlyerUID will be created).